Saturday, October 29, 2011

A Blog by Someone Who Read Maybe...3 Blogs in their LIFE whomever reads these things.  I was encouraged to start blogging by a beloved niece, AJ, who is an awesome writer.  We live states apart and maybe this is one way to keep in touch.  Not sure.  Being new to this, I'm unsure of what I can or will share here.  I guess to start wtih this..I'll tell the strangers that are reading this, that I am female.  I'm older than I wish I was, but smart enough that I don't try to hide it.  I'm an RN by training but now an administrator in a hospital.  I have a happy marriage, good kids and great grandkids.  What in the world do I have to say that is interesting?, not much.  AJ...I love you and will get with the program here...  Kjay.